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How Practicing Mindfulness Will Change Your Life

Hopefully this answers your questions as to what mindfulness is and the ways in which the practice of mindfulness will transform your life.

As humans, we spend 50% of our day on autopilot — lost in thought, worried, stressed, worrying about the future or thinking about negative things in the past. We are rarely living in the present moment.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is managing your thoughts and emotions, living a more awakened life, learning to live in the present moment and become self-aware. It reduces stress, improves your sleep, immune system, energises you and gives you the ability to focus more; especially if combined with meditation.

To be mindful is to self observe and be self aware of what is going on unconsciously in your mind. It enables you to choose to feel better emotions, make better decisions and have more self control.

We need to focus more on the present moment... Pull our focus into what we see, hear and feel now and become more aware of what we are thinking. If you know you are thinking negatively, this is good. You are aware of this. So, now, ask yourself — am I in a negative situation right here and now? Or is this just a negative thought?

It takes 90 seconds to hold an emotion if we don't feed it.

If we can focus on redirecting our mind away from a negative thought within the first 90 seconds, it won't turn into deep emotion. This can take practice. I find meditations work wonders for redirecting my thoughts. You can do this anywhere even if it's only for 3 minutes! If you can start to even acknowledge a negative thought that pops in your head and realise it's just a thought, you are being mindful.

As a mindfulness and meditation coach, I specialize in helping people navigate mindfulness. A topic that should be simple but is complicated by the unnecessary pressure we put upon ourselves.

Get in touch in the comments, I would love to hear how implementing mindfulness practices has transformed your life!


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